So I told myself that I would right a blog for everyday after the new year.....Basically like usual I never do what I say so here I am a day late....bummer....hahah well at least I am getting to it now so I don't feel so bad...and I do not know how many of you actually read what I write....First of all for the New Year I would like to thank the inventor of the Nintendo Wii...Without this lovely device I do not know what I would be doing without it....Hahaha and either would my family....We get into pretty intense tennis matches...hahaha....Yesterday I was at my aunts house playing wii and I brought over my new lovely rockband 2 and we were all playing it forever....I was laughing so hard at my cousins lovely singing voice....he rocks!!!! Well then we decide it would be funny if I sang.....OKAY BAD CHOICE NUMBER ONE......Lets say my mom spent the money that should have been for my singing lessons on probably a new pair of socks I am so bad...hahahha.....but the whole point is to have fun...and I am surprised what I did without a little "liquid courage" hahha. well then I looked at the clock and I was late for my dodgeball game...Good thing there house is close...So I sped there.....OH MY HELL.....I have NEVER been so upset at a dodgeball game....We played a bunch of wannabe superstars......Okay they were pretty good I am not going to lie...But they had 10 players we had 8 and two are pregnant!!!!! But they are awesome......Man my anger along with Heather's we dominated and kicked that teams I was going to punch some people in the esophagus..But the game ended thank goodness cause it was going to get really ugly and I am afraid the next time we play them it will get worse....Usually dodgeball is fun but this was a whole different level....I am surprised I didn't have people waiting for me in the parking lot with some of the things I was saying....Thank you mom for not showing up...hahahha ;) but it was an excellent start to a year that is going to full of fun and energy......ROCK ON!!!!
I totally know how you feel, Bre! We played an annoying team last night too! Lucky for me, my voice is gone so I couldn't say anything, but it's surprising how different each dodgeball team really is. Some are so fun to play and others you just want to hurt!!! I sure hope it will be fun when we play you guys!
SO I will admitt that I lost my cool on that one, but it was probably because I freakin got smacked in the face and the girl laughed, and then she thought I was out!!!! Stupid B*!!! Then I got a little pissy. We rocked and Bre, we are the best tricksters of ALL. I love dodgeball!!!!
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