Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Week of school

Okay. There went my first week of school. Lucky me I have an easy schedule. All I can say is that my intro to Fiction class drives me nuts. One because I don't read and two because when I finally read and do the assignment that we are suppose to talk about in class everyone totally goes off the subject and talks about movies. Hellooooooooooo go to intro to film......I was totally lost we went from talking about books to why movies are good. So what did I do...I sat in my stupid ass desk that was uncomfortable and ate my smarties. I have no idea what went on, but it is still pretty interesting. Oh well I guess I am just a structured kind of person. Also, I am a dumb ass. I have class Tuesday and Thursday at 7 AM!!!!! and I live like 30 minutes away....I do not know how I am going to make it but well I am going to give it a try.....

So my other classes are pretty much easy, and I really need to watch Pocahontas for my history class.....I do not have it....That could be a problem, but I think I will be fine...

Well after a successful week of school now comes the weekend....BLAHHHHHHHHHHHH...yea I know everyone gets exciting for that part, but not me....What are my plans....well pretty much nothing....oh wait...there is a Brazilian festival Saturday...I might go to that...but really do not have anyone to go with....Blasted friends and decided to get married...What is that honestly...jk...well hope they are all happy....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Starting out new again.....

So you would think after two years of college at a smaller school that I would have everything figured out? Well that is totally wrong. My first two days of school have many thoughts going into my head. Why are all of us here? Who decided that we must take certaing classes for a certain degree. Also I think that it is stupid I graduate with an associates degree and I am still behind in school because I have other classes that are required for an associates. This is bull. I work my ass of and I still have to work my ass off. There are so many levels of the same class..Why do people get to decide if my class that I took is good enough??? This is just nonsense and makes me angry..but oh well what can I do???? NOTHING thats what just show up to school everyday taking my planned out 3 year plan.

Well also I am still getting use to this blogging stuff so give me some time and I will continue to add...