Friday, April 10, 2009

What is in a lifetime?

Seconds turn into minutes-minutes turn into hours- hours turn into days- days turn into weeks-weeks turn into months-months turn into years......Life never slows down for anyone no matter how much we wish or pray for this to happen...We cannot let ourselves fall behind and we must get up when we are at our lowest point...For the people we have known may not always be there and the people that we love may hurt us like never expected....We must continue to get up and brush ourselves off and face the new task for the day.. Life is too short to stay unhappy for every minute we are unhappy is a minute of lost time that we will never get back....These are the times of our lives to try and enjoy everything and not let things bring us down...Life is too short to stay unhappy….We are who we are and if people cannot accept it then it is their fault...We cannot change who we are or else it will not be us...Adaptation is something that is a part of who we are as human beings....For which we adapt for every environment that we are in....We live our lives as chameleons and have the personality to change daily...Each day brings on a new challenge in which we must fight head on. In the end we might be standing there alone or most of us will be standing there with the support of family and friends that no matter what will never leave us….We learn as we go of course we all make mistakes but that is why no one is perfect…People may think we change but maybe they have created this image that they believe to be true….We will never know the mysteries of life and why we act the way we do, but why think of this? Why think so much? Thinking too much can lead to worrying and can lead to a life of unhappiness….Life is something too precious that we only get once in a lifetime….We must cherish this because it is our one time to make a dent in history…Each of us may not make it in a book, but we are able to do more than just be in a book….We can do something amazing that will never leave the minds and hearts of people….For people will remember long after we are gone and miss us terribly for the kind of person we were and the things that we did…We all have the opportunity to become legends and heroes…There are people that enter our lives everyday..Some stay longer than others and some have more significant than others…But we cannot be obsessed about how many of these people enter because it just happens….Everything happens for a reason even though we might not know what the reason is at that moment we will find out…We must open our world up to see the things that might not be noticeable on the outside…By opening our mind and our world we might be able to see the greatest things on earth and the greatest side of each person…Just because a person may look different than us on the outside does not mean they are not a great person or they are not like us….We must give each person the chance to show their true colors…Taking the lessons that we learn each day will help us to develop our character….We cannot judge because who are we to say that we are right…We are only one person with a point of view…We must learn to live our life and enjoy every minute because we never know when this will be taken away from us…